The underlying concept of OSPARA is a simple one: to deliver investment solutions that result in high-value, measurable business results, and to do so on a rapid delivery, fixed-price, fixed-time basis. We commit up front to the cost and time frame of each project, and then stake our reputation on delivery.

We are a client-focused firm, concentrating on a few intensive relationships. We follow a “best-of-breed” policy regarding investment products and our alliance partners.

OSPARA’s consulting services can thus provide:

  •  Manager research, fund construction and asset allocation advice that maximizes the benefits of diversification without sacrificing returns to unnecessary risks;
  •  Customized portfolios of funds of hedge funds and alternative investments;
  •  Identification, development and promotion of innovative approaches;
  •  Improved productivity and efficiency using investment and web-based technologies; and
  •  A broader context in which to expand management’s efforts and goals beyond a single company and/or industry.
  • Copyright 2025 OSPARA Limited
    Optimum Strategic Portfolio Analysis & Research Associates

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