SERVICES continued

OSPARA's Manager Selection Research, uses an exhaustive quantitative and qualitative investment process to select managers for equity, bonds and cash mandates. In the case of alternative asset classes, our selection work focuses primarily on funds of hedge funds and funds of private equity funds.

We also assist the client in negotiating both favourable terms and pricing with asset managers. This rigorous evaluation of funds is performed through detailed analyses, scrutinizing management teams, strategies, performance records, risk exposures and growth potential within the competitive landscape.

We collaborate with our clients to construct a sound and diverse portfolio of traditional and alternative funds. By blending the strengths of leading alternative managers we can more effectively design, at the total portfolio level, characteristics which are more stable while reducing expected risk and overall volatility. We can also assist the client in negotiating both favorable terms and pricing with asset managers.

OSPARA's Customized Asset Solutions activity use alternative (hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, managed futures funds, structured products, private equity, real estate, oil & gas, timber, etc.) as well as traditional investment building blocks to help clients with matching their long-term cash flow and liability profiles.

For example, we perform bespoke research for clients on alternative investment strategies that can provide attractive risk-adjusted return opportunities with a low level of correlation to traditional equity and fixed income investments.


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Optimum Strategic Portfolio Analysis & Research Associates

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